


The workshop “Learn Now – Follow Me” by FPT Polytechnic College students

At 9:30 AM on April 7th, Trần Duy Thiên – a member of Fpoly Hub – spent time working at a web design enterprise and held a highly successful and engaging sharing session at Branch 2 of FPT Polytechnic College.

With the enticing theme “CSS Vs Sass,” the workshop attracted nearly 30 student participants. This advanced CSS writing technique, quick, concise, professional, and highly inheritable, is particularly beneficial for web designers and IT students in general.

After the “Css Vs Sass” mini workshop, Nguyen Viet Binh, a second-semester student from class WD14305 majoring in Website Design, shared: “This was a very interesting mini workshop that sparked curiosity among me and my fellow web design classmates. Although the sharing session was a bit fast (due to the new knowledge), it provided very practical skills, helping us understand the trends that businesses require. Thank you, Trần Duy Thiên, and thank you to the program.”

Teacher Tran Ba Ho, one of the founding members of the “Learn Now – Follow Me” program and a direct advisor for the “Css Vs Sass” workshop, shared: “With the direction of the subject, the program aims to provide the best support for students in learning, reinforcing basic knowledge, and updating even more practical skills.

With the spirit of ‘Sharing is Happiness,’ I thank you all for being willing to share useful knowledge together. I hope more of you will participate and share even more. Thank you to the Fpoly Hub team for accompanying students in this program as well as upcoming programs. I wish you all enjoyable and interesting learning sessions. Let’s together maintain, develop, and spread this program!”

Teacher Ho accompanies students during their learning sessions. Specifically, regarding the knowledge about “Css Vs Sass” and the desire of the students, Trần Duy Thiên mentioned that there would be additional bonus sessions in the future. Students who are interested should stay updated on the program’s fan page for more information.

Source of the article: https://caodang.fpt.edu.vn/tin-tuc-poly/tin-moi-nhat/buoi-mini-workshop-hoc-ngay-di-follow-me-cua-sinh-vien-fpt-polytechnic.html