


Fourth-semester Website Design students achieved a perfect score with the Sample Project.

After two semesters of implementation, the projects of the Sample Project course, carried out by FPT Polytechnic College students, have shown significant creativity and excellence. Particularly, the top two outstanding products received perfect scores from the instructors during the course’s final defense session.

The Sample Project is a course designed to help students learn and experience software project development processes closely resembling real-world scenarios. Following the CDIO standard in FPT Polytechnic College’s training program, students need to be trained in the skills of Conceiving, Designing, Implementing, and Operating (C, D, I, O).

This project enhances students’ Implementing and Operating skills while providing a foundation for them to develop the remaining skills of Conceiving and Designing in subsequent courses, especially Project 1, Project 2, and the graduation internship.

For the web design field, after two semesters of implementation, the projects created by students in the Sample Project course have demonstrated significant creativity and excellence. Based on the course’s analysis and guidance, students creatively added additional components as instructed by their instructors to enhance the project’s completion to the highest standard, meeting real-world demands: eye-catching interfaces, well-organized content on pages, and full functionality ready for real-world deployment.

In Block 1 of the Spring 2019 semester, with class WD14101, students produced very good and outstanding projects. Apart from achieving the course objectives, they also creatively added more features to enhance the logic and realism of the projects.

Among the projects highly praised by the final course evaluation committee for their learning ability, correctness, and completeness of students, there were two top-quality projects that exceeded the expectations of both the guiding instructors and the course objectives. Thus, the perfect score of 10 serves as both encouragement and recognition for the students’ efforts and additional creativity.

And here are the projects “Organic Food” by Tran Duy Thien, a website selling natural products, a topic of great interest to many households.

Website link: https://organicfoodstore.tk

Teacher Tran Ba Ho, the instructor of the course, encourages students: “These are two projects that are evaluated to be very close to reality, meeting market requirements. These two projects can be launched into reality and can bring in profits. We are waiting for investors.

With the solid foundation that the training program has provided for you, coupled with your eagerness to learn and your constant desire to improve your products as well as your professional skills, I believe you will soon succeed! With that spirit, I hope it will spread and thrive. Wish you success soon!”

Source of the article: https://caodang.fpt.edu.vn/tin-tuc-poly/tin-moi-nhat/sinh-vien-hoc-ky-4-fpt-polytechnic-tu-tin-voi-du-an-mau.html